Google+ Trend

The topics that are trending on Google+ at the present are: True Blood, #Science Sunday, Rafael Nadal, Google Checkout, Israel, Madagascar, LeBron James, Steve Jobs, Britney Spears, #Euro2012.

Looking at these topics tells us something about human nature. All the topics are diverse and they are completely unrelated to each other. Though it is not remotely necessary that it should be so yet one just argues that since we are connected to the same network or networks somehow the things that we are searching for from our table nudging this or that part of the ‘webosphere’ and trying to see what there is in the cyberspace that is helpful to us and a way out of our own troubles should be connected somehow at least by a some remote links. But it seems there is nothing like this.

We all homo sapiens are a lot different in our individual respective natures and since are in search of completely different things or at least different categories of things. We employ technology very differently.

So keep searching about True Blood, #Science Sunday, Rafael Nadal, Google Checkout, Israel, Madagascar, LeBron James, Steve Jobs, Britney Spears, #Euro2012.

I googled “Science Sunday” and this is what I got:

Google+ Trends


Hello Mundus!

Hello Everybody!

Here I am entering the blogging world of As to the question why I started this blog is concerned, the answer is in the name. This blog does not belong to any brand neither am I some famous writer.

I am just here to write about anything. Most of the time I’ll write about anything new that I discovered that day e.g a sweet dish, a subject, an article, a website or a street in my town  or anything else for that matter.

Since it is MY BLOG I’ll write about what I am. You might find me writing about my religion some times. Since I am a Muslim my writings will revolve around Islam. At other times you might find me writing about my country. Since I am a Pakistani my writing will revolve around Pakistan, Pakistanis, Pakistani politics, Pakistani literature, Pakistani landscape, Pakistani buildings, Pakistani culture, Pakistani ideas, Pakistani corruption, Pakistani fruit, Pakistani websites.

You might be surprised how come I wrote Pakistani buildings and Pakistani corruption. The former I have no reason about but the latter I defend strongly my calling it Pakistani. Because that is our brand, Pakistani brand of corruption around the world. We Pakistanis are very particular about what is ours (as a small fraction of you might have experienced one way or other).

The corruption that we do in Pakistan is of different kind. The human patterns of behaviour that we have in Pakistan are quite different from elsewhere around the world.

Anyway I believe this is enough for today or may be this week or may be this month.

Until I feel writing about something again I’ll be looking around on what others have to say.

Take care!

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